
yummm healthy breakfast.....

Burnt almond by Cadbury. I remember buying these for my parents when they sent me to the store to pick up their smokes. LOL. I should clarify that this isn't all i'm having for breakfast...i did have a bowl of raisin bran first. Baby Jacob likes chocolate...so does his mommy. I think he eats it all though cause I just keep losing weight with him. Only 3 weeks and 4 days till little Jacob is due. I am so ready for this little guy too. Mom took me out shopping the other day and got us this amazingly cute swing! (see pics above). It actually makes this little starry light show on the canopy...so amazingly cute. Jacob is so gonna love it. I really wanna borrow someones baby so i can try it out....just not the same with a doll. We've been totally spoiled this week. Earlier Isaacs mom took us out shopping and got me my breastpump...maybe not exciting for you but totally great to me and Jacob.

HOORAY HOORAY...I interrupt this boring blog for some late breaking news....


Something i'm sure you're happy to read about lol.

Well guess I'd better get this house clean while I've got some energy.

Chat soon...



Just sitting here waiting....

for my darn head to explode (you probably thought I was gonna say I was waiting for baby to be born). I can't believe the head cold I have this week. And just as I was going to ramble on about me and how crappy I feel...Gregory comes running to me crying. Apparently his dear sweet little brother just threw a soup can at his eye. (big ouch!) Poor boys gonna have a black eye. Joshua can be such a little brute some days. I'm sure it's all pay back for when he couldn't stand up for himself yet lol. 4 weeks from today they will be joined by another little brother....I have totally lost my marbles. Actually I'm very very excited. Last night it just hit me how eager I am now to see my baby Jacob. I am so so excited. Looks like this entry is going to be far shorter than I thought. I have a 4 year old whose life is coming to an end because I won't let him have another snack.



Are you happy now Haley?

I'm finally updating my blog...after being pestered by Haley. lol. Wow my last update was when we were very newly pregnant with this little guy. Well now I am 33 weeks pregnant (that means 7 weeks to go woooo hooo). All is going well right now though we had some scares in December which lead me to some really boring time at home doing nothing. lol. But all is well and this little turkey seems to plan to live inside of me forever. I've been very lucky this time I haven't gained much weight in fact once I have him I will be at my original weight that i was before i got pregnant (hooray). We haven't thought of a name for him yet. My dear brother has suggested Jesus but it's just not sitting well with me yet.

Enough about that little guy...onto the other turkeys. Emilie just celebrated her 6th birthday. I had no idea 6 years could go by so quickly. For her bday party she had over 8 girls from her class and then had a sleepover afterwards. Luckily only 2 stayed the night. She had a lot of fun though...they all did. The following day mom was going to bring some lasagna over and i didn't really expect it to be a big huge celebration but was surprised when Isaac's mom came out, and kathy, Victoria and Kayne. (i so spelt that wrong). Anyway we ended up with a house full of everyone that we love and it was fantastic!

Gregory has settled into preschool really well. He was so cute in the Christmas concert. Our very outgoing boy had a wee bit of stage fright. He just stood there and didnt' move his lips. He looked so little and innocent up there. Since starting preschool Gregory has really started to enjoy arts and crafts. His favorite thing to do is cut out a picture that he colored and stick a popsicle stick on the back to make it a puppet.

Joshua had a rough night last night. He's had a fever for the past couple of days which we think is from teething. Poor kid is cutting his eye teeth and are making it hard for him to sleep. It's amazing how much a 2 year old can change in a couple months. His vocabulary has at least quadrupled from a couple months ago. God i wish i could put a little voice recorder on here so you could here him say turtle....it is the cutest darn thing in the world. Sounds like a little english boy. For Christmas josh got a toy baby from Grandma. He has taken an exteme liking to this baby and wont' sleep without it. He absolutely adores this little baby...though I was a littl concerned last night when i found him (the baby) hanging from his toes from the top bunk.

When I first got pregnant I was really worried about how it was goign to effect the kids but I am so past that now. Joshua talks to the baby in my belly every single day. Gregory keeps asking if it's coming out yet. And Emilie is over the fact that it's not a little girl and is looking forward to having yet another little brother.

Isaac has proven again to be an amazing father and best friend this past month or so. He took alot of time off work to take care of the kids while i was in the hospital and when i needed some sleep. He was such a great help when I needed him. Now the poor man is workign his buns off trying to catch up at work.

Well I think that's about it for now.....

Talk to you soon.....
