
To Okotoks and Back Again

Oh boy what a busy day today. We started the day running out to Airdrie to bring Isaac some money and buy him some lunch (lucky boy eh). Then headed to Okotoks to visit my best friend Haley's GORGEOUS scrapbooking store. God I love her store. Had some fun looking at her new stuff there ( I swear Isaac I didn't buy a thing, not even paper) If you ever find yourself in Okotoks stop by her store it's called Sheepriver scrapbook co. Absolutely beautiful store. After a few more stops in the city we headed home. How stupid was I to try to leave the city during rush hour though. YUCK! So happy we don't live in the city anymore. Anyway the kiddos are now in bed and I am working on making Emilie's birthday cake. Wow what a task that is. I've got all the right tools now so hopefully it goes smoothly. Any cake bakers out there wanna come and decorate this thing for me? lol Emilie got some makeup yesterday from Papa for her birthday. She did a fantastic job today painting her eyelids with some very very bright pink eye shadow. I should get the pic from Haley...super cute! Poor Gregory slipped today and landed on a tree branch. Scratched his poor little belly. Joshua threw a good little fit today in Haleys store. He was munching on some fake berries that Haley had decorating her store(yes i was doing a fantastic job of watching him), anyway when i tried to take them away he got so upset. He had big huge crocodile tears and everything. That's so unlike him.

So tomorrow's the big day. The pool party. It looks like we're going to have a full house. 9 kids including mine, plus parents, my parents, isaacs mom and sis, and my uncle peter and his girlfriend Kelly. I'm so excited that my uncle will be joining us....i've hardly seen him in the past few years and i'm just so excited that i get to see them.

Well folks time to go get my 2nd sheet of cake out of the oven.



Emilie the princess and her brother Gregory the dragon

Today's the day

That I start this blog. I won't guarantee that this is going to be the most exciting thing you'll read this year, but i'll try to keep it far from boring.

Today Emilie woke up 5 years old! It's her birthday today and she decided that since it's her birthday it's only appropriate that she wear the fanciest party dress she has, all day! How many of you put on a tuxedo or gown for your birthday, when your just spending the day at home? We're not doing too much to celebrate tonight. I've made some cupcakes for her for after dinner, but that's about it. The big shin dig will be this saturday at the Holiday Inn express in Airdrie. We've rented the whole pool and party room for 3 hours. It's going to be so sooooooo much fun. Emilie reminds me every day how many days until her big party. She has decided she wants a hello kitty cake for her birthday, which I am going to attempt to make. (stay tuned for pictures of that failure). I make pretty things with paper...not flour.

Mister Gregory has spent his whole day in his superman pj's. He refuses to get out of them. Funny how kids go from worshipping big purple dinosaurs to super hero's. I'm hoping he'll spill some water on them or something so I can get them in the washing machine.

Joshua seems to have sprouted yet another tooth. That's 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. Though right now you can only see 3 on the top and a big gap in the front where the new tooth will grow. My little man still hasn't learned how to walk. And quite frankly I don't think he really wants to. He loves crawling.

Isaac has been working like a mad man at Classic Autographics. He worked till 11pm last night. Poor guy, I don't know how he can work that much and still want to go back in the morning. I guess that's what happens when you really like your job. LOL

As for me I've been scrapbooking a bit today and cleaning. Oh I'll be teaching some classes at my very dear friend Haley's store sheepriverscrapbookco.com in February. I'm so excited and so darn nervous too. But how cool will it be to teach something that I love so much to people who love it as well.

Well there seems to be a vacuum calling my name so I'd better go pull him out of the closet before he gets cranky.
