
And baby makes.....6!

I've been waiting a couple weeks to post this on here..had to make sure the family knew about it first. Isaac and I were very surprised to discover that I am pregnant. needless to say Isaac will be getting snipped before this baby is born. We were really upset at first (I cried for like the first week) lol. Now I'm okay with it...maybe even looking forward to it. Wisht his morning sickness would go away though...actually it's more like all day sickness some days. The kids are so excited. Gregory makes me a piece of bread and peanut butter every morning to help my tummy. Emilie has been extra helpful with cleaning. Yesterday Isaac let me sleepin and when I woke up the kids had cleaned the living room and kitchen and were mopping and vacuuming. That's almost better than getting diamonds as a gift. Anyway I've got 3 boys playing in Greg's room right now and I hear alot of door slamming so off i go to deal with the boys...