
Happy snow day everyone!

Doesn't the snow look gorgeous outside? I just love days that are sunny and snowy. They make for perfect snowman building days. We attempted a snowman yesterday but the snow just wasn't sticky enough. Today should be a much better day for that. We took Joshua outside yesterday. It was the first time he's really been outside to play in the snow this year. He didn't enjoy it too much. His snowsuit is pretty stiff so he kept falling over, and we couldn't keep his mittens on him. Em, Greg and Rebecca all had a great time in the snow though. I did take them outside for a rather selfish reason though, I wanted snow pictures to scrapbook. LOL. Speaking of scrapbooking I registered for CKU (scrapbooking university/conference type thingy). I'm extra excited because I got all the classes I wanted including 2 by Donna Downey (she's my all time favourite scrapbooking hero)

You wouldn't believe how busy Isaac has been lately working on webpages...since he's started with Airdrie Online he's just had site after site to work on. I've been pretty impressed too with what he's created.

Well Joshua is now on my lap and making this very difficult so i'm going to quit while i'm ahead. Hope everyone is having a super week!!

Luv Annette


Oh thank goodness...

I was so happy to wake up today and finally feel better. I spent the past few days rather ill. Yesterday wasn't horrible but I sure wasn't myself. Not a good time to be sick either. The kids completely trashed the kitchen while i was hugging the toilet on monday. Let me just say that icing sugar, flour and other assorted baking goods make for one sticky mess on the kitchen floor. Luckily Isaac's boss is a doll and told him he could come home to take care of the kids so i could get better. I'm totally bummed that I missed my first class at Haley's store. At least it was something that she already knew how to do or I'd feel much worse. Valentines day was not the most romantic day either however Isaac did get me something really special. I got a really pretty plant from my mom for Valentines day. It's just what we needed to brighten up the living room. Isaacs mom got me a totally cool stamp set from Sheepriver Scrapbook Co. It's a magnetic word stamp kit. It's got like 50 different words and you can line them all up on this magnetic base...totally cool. I've been eyeing them up since I used them at her open house.

While I was sick we decided to try having joshua sleep in gregory's room. I'm so glad we did because he slept through the night! Last night was their first night falling asleep together. At first they played and played but eventually they did fall asleep so that is just great. Now we need to get a smaller bed in their so joshuas playpen won't take up the whole room.

Well my joshua is napping and em and greg are playing in em's room so i'm going to go do some dishes.

Hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day



Hoooray its Friday!

Boy oh boy the past few days have been long ones. It started with Gregory puking on the carpet....he really only got sick twice over the day and then was over the bug. Then Emilie got it the day after that. She had it good. Poor little girl. She's finally just starting to look better today. Joshua got it yesterday. He only got sick the once but he still seems like he's not quite feeling right. He's very snuggly, which i won't complain about. Neither Isaac or I have got it yet (knock on wood). I'm hoping we both completely miss it so we can get our bathroom done this weekend. Isaacs going to try to finish the tub and surround and i'm going to start peeling up all the wood from the walls in the kitchen and dining room. We're making our country looking home not so country looking anymore lol. Now to pick the colors for the bathroom and the kitchen....that's a tough one. I know that there will be no baby blue anywhere! and probably no green either. Okay well there might be some green but not like the bright forest kinda green i've got going on in here now. Well after a few days of being a nurse now i need to be a house keeper...my house is a disaster! Happy weekend everyone!

Luv Annette


what's that white stuff?

Nope it's not dandruff...looks like snowflakes too me. Normally I'd be disappointed as I'm getting really excited about doing some serious gardening this year. HOWEVER...I've got some gorgeous scrapbooking goodies that will only work for snow pictures. Not to mention a totally cool snowman building kit just crying to be played with. It's funny Emilie came into my room this morning and said " do you hear that mom? that's wind and when it's windy just like this it's gonna snow". Well by 10 am i was convinced she was very wrong as it was bright and sunny. Turns out my little weather girl was right.

I woke up this morning feeling like crap...thanks to my smart isaac feeding me some gravel before i fell back to sleep i seem to be feeling much better. Poor little Max (one of our kittens) isn't having such a good day either..he seems to have hurt his back paw . He can't even walk on it. Sure is a quiet day without max running around everywhere.

Well folks the dishes are calling my name...

Have a super duper day



Who stole my hair brush?

I try to keep 3 brushes in the cupboard, so if one goes missing I always have a back up. Oh but what to do when all 3 go missing....well this morning I had to resort to using a my little pony brush. Let me tell ya those things hurt when you have the slightest tangles.

So yesterday was so much fun you just have no idea. The morning started out okay. Spent the morning doing some cleaning. And then just before we were ready to go to the post office Gregory started complaining of a stomach ache. I figured he'd just eaten too much for lunch or something....yeah not so much. Poor guy ended up getting sick on the carpet. Poor little dude just cried and cried and then slept. He was sick a few more times until about 9pm and then he seemed to perk up a fair bit. He slept through the night and seems to be feeling great today. Thank goodness I was not looking forward to that again. Joshua was really confused by the whole thing. I think he was having trouble understanding why gregory was laying down and not running around. He kept climbing on the couch and hitting Gregory as if to say "hey get up".

I cut Joshua's hair for the first time. Took some serious bribery to get that little guy to stop crawling away. lol. He sure does look cute though. Looks like a little toddler.

Emilie was so helpful yesterday. She kept offering to feed gregory and get him drinks. Funny how that mothering instinct even affects little girls.

Well I've got some mega laundry to fold.

Until next time...



Let's get naked!

LOL so this isn't going to be the x-rated blog you thought. Our tub is officially in. It's surround isn't up but with some plastic sheets on the walls isaac and the kids were able to have their first bath in the new tub. That is one nice tub...no crusty moldy stuff falling in whenever you bump the wall....aaah so much better. I'll be sampling the new tub tonight once desperate housewives is over.

This weekend has been a GREAT weekend! Friday night mom and I went to Haley's open house at her store. We had sooooo much fun! We drank some wine, helped with make n takes...and just had so much fun. I'm so proud of her!! She's done a fantastic job. Though I am very sad that she still hasn't phoned me back from Sunday. Brian did tell me he wasn't gonna tell her i called...i thought he was joking though. sniff sniff...guess he really is just that mean.

Saturday we went to the winter festival here in Irricana. They had all sorts of fun games for the kids and some prizes too. Have I mentioned yet how much I love this town!! Saturday afternoon my aunty myrna, uncle nelson and aunty karlyn came out. That was nice.

Today was kinda slow to start. Went and had a deliscious lunch with my mom at Boston Pizza...their chipolte chicken salad is sooo yummy. After that I got to go shopping with the kids for some pipes....that was not as much fun as you're probably imagining. Picture 2 toddlers running up and down aisles while your trying to find something that you've never even seen before.

Well that's our weekend in a nutshell. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!



Tomorrow's the big day...

Tomorrow night Haley is hosting her first ever open house at her store. She's going to have make and takes ( translation: you get to make something that you get to take home with you), food, drinks (even alcohol hooooray) and cool door prizes. It's going to be so cool, and i bet it'll be good on sales for the night too. The poor girl seems a little stressed out though trying to get everything together. I think it's going to go amazingly!

Right now Isaac is downstairs trying to sauder a pipe back together. Today was a busy day for him...he took out her tub, some dryway from around it. At some point he got a leak downstairs in a pipe and when he went to fix it...well it got worse. Hopefully he'll get it under control soon...i miss having running water. lol. Anyone know a cheap plumber??? I'm so just joking isaac...seriously just joking.

Well it's off to bed for my little ones....



Stop stealing your brothers fruit loops!

Geez poor little baby Joshua. Usually he gets toast or some canned fruit for breakfast, but this morning I decided to treat him with fruit loops. He's eating them very slowly, but enjoying every last morsel. Of course his older sister and brother are always happy to help him eat yummy foods and that's just what they're doing. "here joshua let me help you with those cereals" Little bums...stop stealing from the baby.

Well our big news of the week is.....(drum roll please)

We got a new bath tub!! Hooray. It was actually much cheaper than i anticipated. It was $300 for a soaker tub. That's really not too bad. No bells or whistles. No jets or anything, but personally I don't really like jets. We did pick some really nice faucets and shower head to go with it. Now our bathroom will only be half blue. Yucky ugly blue bathroom...yuck! I'll have to post a pic cause this bathroom really is ugly. Blue tub, blue toilet, blue sink, blue walls. TOO MUCH blue! We also installed a dishwasher in the kitchen this weekend (when i say we i mean isaac). This house is really coming together now. We got some gorgeous kitchen cupboards from Isaacs bosses girlfriend this weekend. I'm really looking forward to ripping ours out and replacing them. Anybody know where to get some cheap but nice counter top? I so need to start choosing some paint colors for the bathroom and kitchen. Oh the choices the choices.

Well with that I'm gonna log off. Hope you all have a fantastic week.
